Xtralite and Vitral are now a part of VELUX Commercial, and we are delighted to welcome you to our new website. Here, you will find our complete portfolio of daylight solutions and services for industrial, commercial and public buildings.

VELUX Commercial Blog

The VELUX Commercial blog area is where you will find sources of information covering all aspects of daylight and ventilation design and skylight installation within industrial, commercial and public buildings.

So that you can find information relevant to your needs, our blog posts, written using our knowledge and expertise, are split into the categories below. From sustainable building design to office ventilation strategies we guide you through the key aspects of transforming spaces into healthy and inspiring places using daylight and fresh air.

View from the roof of the University of Lyon
Building Design

Understanding Skylight Energy Performance: What is the U-value, the G-value and Energy Balance?

A building’s carbon dioxide emissions and energy use are heavily influenced by the balance of heat loss against solar gains. Therefore, when designing a building, it is helpful to understand the relation between thermal transmittance, glazing and the different levels of thermal performance.

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VELUX Modular Skylights Northlights at the Promega Logistics Center

When it comes to energy efficiency in buildings, understanding the U-value of building components is crucial. U-value is a key factor in determining the thermal performance of our products, too.

Main pool in the Romont Cultural and Sports Complex

The architecture of swimming pools has many challenges with regards to the use of materials and design. With proper planning and installation, skylights can significantly enhance the aesthetics and functionality of your pool area.

The Bodmin Jail Hotel

Realizing the potential of daylight in hotel and conference centre projects has several benefits. Guest and visitors can experience better time spent in more natural communal spaces. While staff have shown improved happiness and an increase in productivity.

Hessenwaldschule with daylight

How do you design and operate a healthy building? Answers to these questions can be found in an increasing number of methodologies and rating schemes that have seen the light around the world in recent years. They all share the ambition to strengthen the health and well-being of building users. Yet, they vary widely in terms of their overall scope, the metrics they use as proof of performance, and the weight that they put on the different phases in a building’s life cycle. The following chronological overview presents a selection of the most important and forward-looking tools, as well as their underlying methodologies.

VELUX Modular Skylights provide Exeter College with daylight

Did you know that well-designed classrooms have a significant influence on academic performance? Studies have found that improved physical characteristics of classrooms can boost the learning outcomes of students.

Rooflight solution with Northlight modules. HIgh school Sågbäckgymnasiet - Interior.

In 2012 local authorities ended more than 10 years of talks by adopting a plan to refurbish the old vocational school in Huddinge, Sweden. The school, originally built in 1961, represented classic 60s architecture and was good quality.

eBook: Guide to Daylighting and EN 17037