Xtralite and Vitral are now a part of VELUX Commercial, and we are delighted to welcome you to our new website. Here, you will find our complete portfolio of daylight solutions and services for industrial, commercial and public buildings.

Daylight solutions designed for retail spaces

Jumbo Food Market with Vario Thermal System as rooflight installation
Jumbo Food Market with Vario Therm System daylight solution

Brick and mortar stores competing with online buyers need to maximize customer experience. Retail spaces with natural daylighting deliver a fuller shopping experience for customers; good daylight also creates an enjoyable environment for employees. Natural light creates a comfortable space that is inviting to spend time in. Roof glazing solutions can be cost-effective and have the potential to reduce artificial energy consumption.

Benefits of daylighting your retail space

Daylight requirements will vary dependent on the size and type of your retail space. But the benefits are universal. Where façade glazing isn’t present light will come through the roof or be artificial. Studies have shown daylight to improve mood, morale, reduce fatigue and increase productivity. High-level exposure to daylight also helps shoppers to feel alert and engaged. 

Lister Markt Shopping Mall

Lister Markt Shopping Mall - See Case study

Atrium roofs are popular designs for shopping and retail communal areas. Natural light spreads and can penetrate entries and facades of retail outlets. Rooflights can also bring satisfaction to employees. A connection with nature helps balance behavioral changes, improving energy levels and mood.

Daylight solutions for entire retail spaces

VELUX Commercial offers a complete range of daylight solutions for retail spaces of all types. Have a look at our case study to learn more about retail rooflight refurbishment at the Metrocentre in Gateshead, UK. The operator required shell retention to lower cost and cause minimal disruption to centre operations as access to public areas remained open throughout the project. VELUX Glazing panels were chosen because they could be tailored to suit the project and for their ability to be self-supporting.

Installation of VELUX Glazing Panel rooflight solutions enhance busiest hub at the Metrocentre

Installation of VELUX Glazing Panel rooflight solutions enhance busiest hub at the Metrocentre - See case study

VELUX Commercial’s daylight solutions offer complete flexibility for daylight and natural ventilation, smoke and heat exhaust ventilation (SHEV), as well as maintenance access. Our wide range of systems provide new-build and refurbishment solutions for every type of commercial building.

We offer our expertise, knowledge, innovation and continued support from product selection and technical advice to service installation and post-sales support

To find out more about how we can support your project, contact us

eBook - Designing Daylight Solutions for Commercial Buildings

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